5 Tips On How To Lose Weight

Using diet pills in combination with some other lifestyle changes is a great way to get the body you deserve. We’ve listed 5 tips below:

Keep a Food Diary

Seeing what we have eaten in black and white makes us more aware of what we have eaten and can help us to identify any bad eating habits and decide on what diet changes we would like to make. Try to write everything down from eating chocolate goodies at the office to finishing the kids meals.

What are Your Diet Triggers?

When you start to eat try to ascertain “Why am I eating this?”, if you’re not hungry then ask yourself again “Why am I eating this?”. If the answer is Boredom, Stress, Loneliness or even Tiredness then try to replace the food cravings with something else: A quick stroll, a trip to the Gym or even calling a friend for support can stop you eating for reasons other than hunger.

Don’t Skip Meals

Skipping meals won’t help you lose weight, typically what you will do is snack or binge eat instead, the end result will be eating more overall.

A bit of what you fancy does you good!

A common mistake dieters make is to give up everything even those foods they really enjoy. Usually the cravings for this food then overpower us resulting in a binge eating session leading to feelings of guilt. Allow yourself some of your favourite food as a reward when you have achieved one of your weight loss goals, this way you will keep losing weight without binge eating. 

Make a Habit of Exercise

Everyone knows about taking the stairs instead of taking the lift and we all know that if we exercise more we’ll lose more weight and feel better about our body shape. However, with today’s busy lifestyles finding time to exercise is easier said than done, so sit down and allocate some time to exercise starting off with something simple like 20 sits up before going to bed.  This will then become a habit and good habits are hard to break and it will feel easier to do the sit-ups rather than not. Once you have undertaken this exercise for one week then progress to 20 sit ups in the morning and night, eventually you should aim to be undertaking around 30 minutes of exercise a day.