Below are a selection of the most frequently asked questions regarding diet pills.

Are diet pills safe to use?

Like all medicines you should consult your doctor if you are unsure about taking diet pills. Reputable suppliers will have taken out the necesasary medical trials with their product to ensure that their diet pill is safe to use. Potential problems arise when you purchase diet pills from a supplier who canot demonstrate their credibility from medical trials and case studies.

Do diet pills have any side effects?

There have been reports of diet pill side effects from some of the so called fat burning pills. However, many of these side effects can be avoided if you follow the advice given by the manufacturer. There is a view that choosing diet pills that contain only natural ingredients you are less likely to experience any side effects.

Can I use a diet pill if I am under the age of 18?

Most reputable suppliers will not sell pills to adults under the age of 18 and parents are advised not to buy pills for their children.

What are the main types of diet pills?

Diet pills can be bought in chemists or they may be prescribed by your doctor. Broadly diet pills fall into three main categories, details of which can be found here.

Can I drink alcohol whilst taking diet pills?

Each manufacturer will have their own advice regarding alcohol consumption. However, it is worthwhile remembering that consuming too much alcohol can make a significant contribution to your weight gain due to the high number of calories in alcohol.

Should I buy diet pills from outside of my own country?

Buying and selling of good internationally on the internet is now commonplace and there is no reason why diet pills cannot be bought from an overseas supplier. However, use the same diligence when buying diet pills as you would with any other product and beware of any miracle cures or products that are not backed by medical evidence.

Are diet pills just another fad?

Manufacturers of diet pills are now backing up their claims with evidence of diet pills working under controlled medical conditions. However, the main point to remember is that you should consider all areas of your lifestlye when trying to lose weight. For example, keeping fit has numerous benefits for your general well being as well as helping you to lose weight.