Whilst in Boots recently, a member of the Best Diet Pill team saw a large sales display for the Tony Ferguson Diet Plan.

We wanted to find out more about this diet plan by Tony Ferguson and see what weight loss benefits it may have and what are the alternate products.

The Tony Ferguson plan is almost like a cross between Weight Watchers and Weight Loss shakes where you get advice on how to lose weight as well as access to a range of weight loss foods espescially developed by Tony Ferguson himself.

Although the diet plan can be bought in-st0re at Boots it can also be bought on-line via the Boots website. If you buy online then you have to ask a few simple questions about your health and then it takes you through to the purchase page.

The cost for a lifetime membership of the Tony Ferguson plan is £10.oo which is pretty reasonable as it gives you weight loss guides and on-line support from the Tony Ferguson Website. However, you still have to pay for the branded foods that you buy rather than buying your normal food. These foods are reasonably priced at a few pounds each but you are also advised to take a chromium appetite supressant, a fibre supplement and a multivitamin supplement.

The programme has a number of testimonials on its website and has active forums and facebook pages.  So it would seem that the programme is quite succesful. However, as you are advised to take a weight loss supplement as well as  the branded shakes there is an argument for taking a herbal diet pill such as Zotrim ( Read the Zotrim review here). In conjunction with Zotrim you could ensure you eat healthily and increase the amount of exercise you take. This option may be cheaper then having to buy Diet Pills and food from the Tony Ferguson Diet Plan.

What are your experiences with The Tony Ferguson Diet Plan? Please let us know whether they are good or bad.