Next generation of slimming pills could reduce fat in certain problem fat zones.

In a recent test undertaken by boffins at Oxford and Cambridge they discovered that even though you may exercise and eat well you still may be likely to put on weight around your middle. This is because you inherited certain “fat” genes from your parents.

This study increases the chances that, in the future, we will be able to take the best diet pills that are clever and can reduce fat in certain areas and only those areas. For example, if you want to reduce weight around your tummy then you may take a diet pill dedicated to reducing fat in the stomach area.

The likelihood of a smart diet pill will be exciting news for individuals who may not necessarily overweight but want to lose weight in a certain area such as “muffin tops” or “love handles”.

The research is ongoing so don’t expect to see the next generation of diet pills for sale anytime soon. In the meantime if you want to lose weight using a diet pill why not try Capsiplex? You can read a full review of this natural diet pill here.