Best Diet Pill 2011

Best Diet Pill 2011

Capsiplex Diet Pill - Could it be the Best Diet Pill of 2011It’s that time of year when the new years resolutions get made and you are determined that 2011 will be the year that you achieve your weight loss goals.

So, many slimmers will have the same question in January – Which is the best diet pill for 2011?

Well, carrying on with the success of chilli diet pills in 2010 we think Capsiplex is the best diet pill for 2011.


Why is Capsiplex the best diet pill you can take in 2011? Well, there are three main reasons:

Reason 1: Capsiplex has harnessed the fat burning qualities of Chilli without any side effects.

Reason 2: Capsiplex works in tandem with your body whilst exercising for even faster weight loss.

Reason 3: Capsiplex is the diet pill of choice for many celebrities and the general public.

Want to know more? Why not take a look at our full review of Capsiplex here.

Finally we would like to wish all our readers a prosperous and healthy 2011!!

Tava Tea Diet Tea Review

Tava Tea Diet Tea Review:

Tava Tea Diet Tea Review
Full Product Name: Tava Tea
Manufacturer: Roduvue Healthcare Solutions (Amsterdam), UK & Worldwide Shipping
Diet Pill Classification: Slimming Tea
Where to buy Tava Tea: From the official Tava Tea website
Main Ingredient: Oolong, Puerh, Sencha. (All natural ingredients)
Cost: Around £39.00 for 30 bags from the Official Tava Tea website.
Side Effects: None Reported
Advantages: Also contains Antioxidants
Disadvantages: Not as easy as taking diet pills.
Alternative Product: Slender Pu’erh Tea
Diet Pills Reviewed Overall Rating: 7 out of 10

Diet Pills Reviewed Comment: Tava Tea Siet Tea
Tava Tea looks to have some great natural ingredients for weight loss, It has been shown to reduce the production of Insulin after eating carbohydrates and sweet foods. Less Insulin means less weight gain as Insulin is the hormone responsible for storing your body’s own fat, so by consuming Tava Tea fifteen minutes after fattening foods, the chances of gaining weight will be greatly reduced.

Tava Slimming Tea also has the advantage of containing antioxidants so as well as losing weight it also helps your general well being. Also, is there anything more satisfying then sitting down with a cup of tea knowing that it is also helping your weight loss objectives.

The only disadvantage to this tea, as with any slimming tea, is that you do have to go to the trouble of making a cup or pot of tea. This element does put some dieters off and they decide that diet pills are a better alternative.

Our verdict is that the tea is worth a try if you are not comfortable in taking diet pills.

