What are the side effects of the Proactol Diet Pill?Proactol Box


Proactol is one of the UK’s leading fat binding pills, but is it really side effect free as claimed by the manufacturer?

It is easy to claim that a drug is side effect free but like any health supplement, that you take, it is always worth investigating whether it will have an adverse effect on your health. Proactol works by binding itself to the fat that you eat, then the fat is passed through your body naturally rather than absorped by the body resulting in weight loss. The side effects of fat binders have been well documented in the media such as the side effects experienced by the leading diet pill Alli which include unpleasant leakage if you do not take the medicine as prescribed.

However, as Proactol is a 100% natural supplement available to buy online there does not seem to be any documented evidence that the supplement has any major side effects. The only side effects that raises any eyebrows is regarding a slight change in stool consistency but again this is not as bad as the side effects experienced by some users of the other leading diet pills.

Are there any testimonials regarding the use of Proactol?

There are many testimonials from users of Proactol including the video below:
Lauras use of Proactol

What else should you be aware of prior to taking Proactol?

Although there are no known major side effects relating to short and long term use of Proactol, you should be aware of the following:

  • The product is not recommended for children under the age of 18
  • Do not take Proactol if you are pregnant or  breastfeeding
  • The manufacturers of Proactol recommend that you take a multivitamin supplement whilst using Proactol
  • Individuals with Kidney related conditions should not use Proactol or they may experience side effects
  • Diabetes sufferers should also avoid using Proactol

In summary it would seem that Poactol has relatively few side effects, however, why don’t you try for yourself today and buy online from the official Proactol website.