The beginning of a new year always brings lots of good intentions, many of us convince ourselves that this year will be the year that I go to the gym three times a week, stop smoking or start the latest diet.

However, once we get back in to our day to day routine it is surprisingly easy to slip back into the bad habits that we had in the previous year. This is especially relevant to those of us who are looking to lose weight when slipping back into our normal environment where raiding the snack machine at work or finishing the children’s tea becomes a hard habit to break.

So what are the best ways to ensure that you meet your weight loss goals in 2010?

1. Keep a journal: This doesn’t have to be war and peace, just somewhere you can record your progress and set goals. If you are really brave then create a blog where your weight loss achievements can be viewed by friends and colleagues. You may be surprised at how many people will encourage you which will in turn give you more energy to exercise.

2. Step by Step: Don’t try to do too much too soon, if you do you are more than likely to become disheartened or give up after the first few days. Set yourself measurable diet goals that are realistic and you are far more likely to be successful.

3. Diet Pills: There are a range of diet pills available today, one of the most popular being Alli which is receiving a substantial amount of media coverage at present. A herbal alternative is Zotrim which claims to be one of the leading natural diet pills available in the UK. Diet Pills can work given the right changes in lifestyle and diet. Furthermore, many of the leading pills have gone through extensive testing to ensure that they are as safe as any other medicine.

4. Treat Yourself: Once you have achieved your goal then make sure that you reward yourself with a treat. Perhaps a trip to the cinema or a meal at your favourite restaurant, whatever you decide then you can be sure that it will help you to keep motivated to achieve your long term weight loss goals.

5. One Month Challenge: Challenge yourself to a one month challenge for losing weight, if you don’t make it then simply start the challenge again the following month. However, if you do make it then set yourself a more exacting challenge for the next 30 days then so on for the next month.

If you follow these 5 tips then you will be more than likely to achieve your weight loss goals in 2010. Remember, losing weight isn’t just about looking good, it has proven benefits to our health and mental wellbeing.