Okay, so you’ve decided that you want to be healthier by losing a few pounds. That’s a great first step but it’s almost as hard to then decide which is the best method of losing weight. There are so many weight loss methods available today that it is easy to be confused about which work and which are just an Internet scam.


Of course exercise is important as part of any weight loss programme, however, todays hectic lifestyles do not always leave us with enough time to fit in a trip to the gym. However, there are some simple things you can do to fit in exercise to you  daily routine:

1. Walk instead of driving: Sometimes it may seem easier to just jump in the car for that short journey down to the shops. However, when you actually add up the time of finding somewhere to park the car, walking to the shop then it doesn’t take much more time to walk from your home. Alternatively, why not jump off one stop earlier from your daily bus or train commute.

2. Borrow a dog!: It’s no coincidence that dog owners tend to be healthier than their counterparts who don’t have a canine pal. The reason for this is that dog owners have a reason to walk most days and once they start they realise how much better they feel both physically and mentally. Now, we’re not suggesting that you neccesarily go and buy a dog as this is a very big commitment, but you could ask a friend if you could walk or jog with their dog a few times a week.

Diet Pills

Alli was the big weight loss pill that took the UK by storm with a flurry of publicity. Although, the diet pill undoubtedly works for many it isn’t without some nasty side effects which can occur when you consume too much fat. There are some other diet pills available that work in the same way as Alli but don’t have the nasty side effects. One such pill is Proactol, one of the top selling natural products. Proactol can be bought online from their official weight loss website and has some medical backing about its effectiveness as well as some real life weight loss case studies.

Weight loss pills are becoming more popular and are espescially useful for those of us who find it hard to find the time to exercise or enjoy the odd treat. At the very least supplementing a weight loss and exercise programme with a diet pill can be a very effective method to lose those unwanted pounds.

Diet Patches

Diet Patches are relatively new to the marketplace, they work on the same principle as nicotine patches but release appetite curbing susbtances into the body. If you are uncomfortable with taking diet pills then patches do make a good alternative. However, given that they are relatively new to the market it may be worth waiting a while until they are further backed up by medical evidence and testimonials by satisified users.

Weight Loss Teas

Weight Loss Teas have enjoyed plenty of publicity recently as a number of celebrities such as Victoria Beckham have been linked with using the teas for weight loss and wellbeing. The great thing about weight loss teas such as Tava Tea is that if, like most people, you enjoy a cuppa anyway you don’t have to make a major lifestyle change or remember to have to take a pill. There is also something very therapeutic about drinking tea which is perhaps due to the added benefit of the antioxidants that are naturally contained in most teas.

So, although there are lots of weight loss methods available you should look to pick the products that will fit in with your lifestyle. That way you will have a far better chance of not only losing weight but keeping it off in the long term as the dieting method becomes part of your everday life.