There are a variety of different diet pills and diet patches that can be bought online or at your local chemist, but which is best: Diet Pill or Diet Patch?

Diet Pills

The diet pill market was taken by storm a few years ago with the launch of Alli, which was the first pharmacy only licensed diet pill to be made available throughout Europe. Generally, diet pills help you to lose weight in 3 different ways. Diet pills such as Alli and Proactol help the body to absorb less fat from your general diet thus leading to weight loss. Other diet pills such as Zotrim work by making you feel fuller for longer and finally diet pills such as Unique Hoodia work by supressing your appetite so you do not feel the need to eat as often.

The side effects of diet pills can be quite nasty so always make sure you buy from a genuine source which has plenty of evidence from happy customers. For example, Zotrim has a number of reviews from dieters who have lost weight, the site also contains other weight loss tips that will help you lose even more weight. Zotrim was also recently featured in the Daily Mail as it is one of the few diet pills to have undergone succesful clinical trials.

Diet Patches

Diet patches are again a recent phenomenon in the dieting world, the easiest way to understand how these diet patches work is to compare them with nicotine patches as they work in the same way. Diet patches release ingredients into your body to help you lose weight.

One of the most popular weight loss patches is slim weight patch which can be bought online. The diet patches contain many of the same chemicals that are found in diet pills. Really, the only difference is that diet patches are ingested into the body through the skin rather than the stomach.

So which should you choose – diet pill or diet patch? Well, the objective is the same for either method, to lose weight. Therefore, you should really consider your lifestyle, if you are the type of person who might forget to take diet pills as your life is so busy then diet patches may be the weight loss solution for you.

However, if for example you think that wearing a patch may hinder you for sporting activities such as swimming then a diet pill may be your best option for weight loss.

Finally, you should also consider that diet patches do not seem to have the amount of medical backing when compared to diet pills such as Alli or Zotrim.